Golfing on Spring Break

Over spring break the Ohio Northern Golf team went to Orlando Florida where we had three matches to play in. We flew out of the Columbus Airport on Saturday February 29, 2020 and had a layover in Baltimore Maryland then finally arrived to Orlando late that night and made it to our 40 person house at 11:30pm. We got in our rooms, unpacked, ate, and packed one of the vans with our clubs for the six-hour practice we were having the next day to prepare us for the matches that were starting on Monday. 

I golfed in two Ryder Cups, Tuesday and Wednesday both at 7am. A Ryder Cup is a nine-hole match where the first six you and a partner play a scramble, the second six you play best ball and the last six is alternate shot. The first day my partner and I lost all three rounds and the second day we tied the first two and lost the third. 

After playing Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we got Thursday and Friday off to do whatever we wanted. Read the next vlog “Spring Break Fun” to hear what I did!


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