Three Fun Facts About Me!

1.              I have a birth defect in my left foot
For years I have been constantly breaking and fracturing the heel bone in my left foot. Last year I found out this was due to a hollow spot in my heel. There’s no way to fix the defect so I just break/fracture my heel periodically and move on with life. It’s something I forget I have; it doesn’t affect me unless it’s actually broken so I just have to be cautious doing certain activities. 

 2.              I love Thomas Rhett
In 8th grade when I was going to school in the carpool lane with the other neighborhood kids, the song “T-Shirt” came on and instantly fell in love. Now, 5 years later, he is still my favorite artist. I’ve been to one of his concerts and I’m going to another on June 6th (my birthday). I am so excited, and I entered a contest for a meet and greet, so cross your fingers for me!

3.              I have two cats
For Christmas three years ago, my dad surprised my mom and I with kittens! My mom was crazy mad at first but now I’m pretty sure she loves them more than she loves me. Their names are Sawyer and Matilda, they’re sisters from the same litter and they love each other a whole bunch. They are my babies and I love them with my entire heart. 


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