Reasons to Ride Out the Rest of the Winter

     The winter months and cold can bring on a type of seasonal depression that can be hard to kick, let’s talk about some reasons to make it to June. 

Long summer nights are so much fun with friends. Playing hostage and man hunt, night swimming, sleep overs in the back yard, or even late-night drives with the windows down and music blasting. For me, summer nights are something I will always remember. 

    Vacations! Whether it’s with friends or family, vacations are something I constantly am looking forward to. The cute tourists’ pictures for your Instagram and the memories of visiting a new or your favorite place can go down in your history.  

     Let’s not forget the most important thing to look forward to, the summer snacks. You can eat ice cream, watermelon or those cheap popsicles whenever, but we all know they taste better in the summer heat, poolside with friends. 

I hope this encouraged you to make it the next four months!


  1. I love your post! You just reminded me of how fun the summer can be. I was looking forward to the semester being over, but now i'm looking forward to summer. Also looking forward to the cheap popsicles lol.


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